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Trade-In Car In The Philippines: Is It Advisable & How To Do It?

Feb 06, 2023


Are you considering is it better to sell or trade-in your car; or don’t know how to trade in your car in the Philippines. Let our post be your savior!

You may not know or already know the trend of car trade-in in the Philippines, yet you wonder whether to apply it. will answer your questions shortly so you can decide if it is suitable or not.

car trade in philippines

Toyota offers trade-in deals in the Philippines

Trade-in car in the Philippines: Is it advisable?

Just now, the automobile industry in the Philippines is on strong momentum. There are many options, and there are many ways you can become a car owner. Interesting!

Car dealerships have opened up many directions and strategies to attract customers. Among them, you are allowed to trade in a used car for new one. Theoretically, you should be able to save on your purchase costs by buying a new car at a lower price. It sounds convenient for customers, but we should better understand how this business method is. Is it a good step for the business?

Pros of car trade-in 

Buying and selling cars, in general, always towards convenience is the core. Suppose you can get rid of the nuisances and hassles of private car buying and selling since it can take much time, several weeks, or even several months.

Also, buying a car may drive you crazy with piled paperwork, sales deeds, ownership change, OR / CR (conversation rate), and beyond.

In return, dealers are willing to accept the current condition of your vehicle. You do not need to pay any fees to renovate or repair the car.

If your car is in a good condition, you could drive your new car at once. You favor a new vehicle at a significantly lower price and minus a sizable investment that you should have bought by yourself under the normal procedure.

car trade in philippines

There are many ways you can become a car owner

Trading cars like this also helps to reduce the hassle of not dealing directly with the buyer. There are cases where a car you have sold for a long time has maintenance and performance troubles. They often come back to bother or ask for you.
So, by running a car dealership, you will avoid the worry of getting calls from a demanding buyer.

Cons of car trade-in 

As can be seen, the biggest downside of this exchange is the price difference between the old car and the new one. You would expect a dealer to accept a higher amount than you would have sold privately, but that is not always the case.
Also, the nature of business is risky. When it comes to trading, nothing is 100% certain. There are several models you would like to exchange, but the dealer may not find these categories.

car trade in philippines

Car trade-in turns into more and more popular

Trade-in car in the Philippines: How to do it?

Determine the car's value

First and foremost, before doing an appraisal, you need to have an idea of ​​the car’s cost. This will help you navigate the advantages and benefits you have in advance for a more fruitful negotiation. This also helps you to make a more accurate trading decision.

Search the Google engine site to determine which models are launched in the same period as your vehicle. From there, you can access some more pricing options with these models and make the decision.

Get ready for a better trade-in

Prepare for the easier negotiation, wash your car within the day to make it as sleek and beautiful as possible. That way, the dealer will have to "inch" the price for you up a little.

If possible, you should fix even small defects such as cost marks, marks in your budget. That is a basic step to get negotiations "easier."

Prepare all essential documents

Please ensure all the necessary materials such as OR / CR (Conversation Rate) or sales vouchers, vehicle papers. Because purchasing, selling, and transactions with a large value, the related papers are essential. Whether you lose one of the important documents, the trade-in may get stuck; even the agent will refuse to negotiate.

Have some appraisals

You know, any dealership wants to trade a car for the lowest assessed value to make them much more profitable. The first price you hear will sometimes be at your disadvantage. You have to consider carefully and give evidence to convince dealers that your car's value is many times higher than the price they offer.

Also, usually, the agent will pay cash on the spot or after a successful sale. Your job is to pick the timing to take advantage of all the strengthening your car has to manage the best deal possible.

The best offer is worth accepting

In most cases, you are likely easy to get various deals for your car. Hence, once fully communicated, it is just your job to opt for the best deal and price for you, and that’s it!

car trade in philippines

 Are you curious about Car Trade-in in the Philippines?


Bear in mind that you should value convenience rather than savings when deciding to trade in a vehicle exchange. As a rule, selling a car by yourself takes time, but you get more value.

Conversely, if you do not want to spend too much time, effort, or not afraid to accept a lower price than your car's actual worth, having a trade-in is not a bad idea. In fact, car trade-in is increasingly widespread in the Philippines market.

>>> Check out more car buying and selling guide on


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